
Saikorodo Seaside Monthly GameNight vol.5[Dungeons and Dragons 5e]

2024-09-28(土)17:00 - 20:00 JST

Saikorodo Seaside

Depot Central building 1F, 34-3,Mihama,Nakagamigun,Okinawa

The playing fee is the regular fee for the use of the Saikorodo Seaside(30min 500yen).


Saikorodo Seaside
Monthly Game Night Vol. 5
“Dungeons & Dragons” English Game Session
Sat, Sep 28, 2024
17:00〜20:00 (3 hrs.)
DM Robert (The Seven Winds, Okinawa)

“We were traveling west on the Old Spice Road up near the Unseeing Hills when we found it: an overturned wagon in the ditch! Jarrod Four Fingers took to the shadows, scouted ahead, and returned with strange details…”

Set in a medieval fantasy world, D&D allows you to experience stories and adventures full of endless possibilities and amazing surprises!

This month's Game Night, held in English, will be a new-player-friendly one-shot D&D adventure for Level 1 characters. This will be a 2.5 to 3 hour adventure for 3 to 4 players who, as they play the game, will naturally become familiar with the basic rules of D&D 5E. Seats are limited so please reserve a spot in advance. Players will choose from a folder of pre-generated characters inspired by the most popular D&D races and classes. DM Robert welcomes you!
Session Overview:
3 to 4 players that are new (or relatively new) to the game. High School age (with parental consent) and up.
2.5 to 3 hr. one-shot adventure set in The Seven Winds gameworld, with plenty of social, combat, and exploration-based encounters!
Lvl 1 pre-generated characters (“Local Heroes”) will be provided that you can customize by naming, describing, outfitting, and creating personalities for.
We will be using the 5E Basic Rules (website, PDF) for this game.
You don’t need to bring anything with you other than a notebook and something to write with. If you already have your own set of polyhedral dice please bring them! You’re also welcome to bring your personal copy of the 5E Player's Handbook for reference.




北谷町にあるボードゲームショップ&プレイスペース『サイコロ堂シーサイド』です。 店内で行われるイベントの募集を行います。
