
Saikorodo Seaside Monthly GameNight vol.6[Dungeons and Dragons 5e]

2024-10-19(土)17:00 - 20:00 JST

Saikorodo Seaside

Depot Central building 1F, 34-3,Mihama,Nakagamigun,Okinawa




The playing fee is the regular fee for the use of the Saikorodo Seaside(30min 500yen).


Saikorodo Seaside
Monthly Game Night Vol. 6
“Dungeons & Dragons” English Game Session
Sat, Oct 19, 2024
17:00〜20:00 (3 hrs.)
DM Robert (The Seven Winds, Okinawa)

Set in a medieval fantasy world, D&D allows you to experience stories and adventures full of endless possibilities and amazing surprises!

This month's Game Night, held in English, will be a new-player-friendly one-shot D&D adventure for Level 1 characters. This will be a 2.5 to 3 hour adventure for 3 to 4 players who, as they play the game, will naturally become familiar with the basic rules of D&D 5E. Seats are limited so please reserve a spot in advance. Players will choose from a folder of pre-generated characters inspired by the most popular D&D races and classes. DM Robert welcomes you!

session overview

The Haunted Vault of Pallon the Pious

“True, I was hired to sail them clear past the icy maw of The Witch's Teeth — what be the demesne of a coven of quarrelling...well neveryoumind! Wait. Where was I? Right! It was four landlubbing adventurers looking to earn a name for themselves in The Archipelago of the Old Sea King; who was I to throw vinegar on their fancies?
So I took 'em within a rowboat's jaunt of it. Right up to the door on the rock. The Haunted Vault. Well I suppose I know as much of the damnable place as any sailor — next to nothing. I swear upon my grog-blossom! [Quaffs down the rest of the hard stuff in his tankard.]
Only that they say the man who built that door and its terrible innards was known as Pallon the Pious, a pirate of some infamy. Given his actions in life, I don't know how he made right with any god or saint when he died, IF he died that is. Great Sailor of Sea and Sky keep us safe. [Tries to make a sacred hand sign while missing the requisite number of fingers.]
And what became of those plucky adventurers you ask? Good question. Well, I imagine you four’ll be wanting me to take you out. I will, if the price is right. Perhaps you'll find your answers out there on the Salty Brine…but first, let's draw another round from this fine cask of hagshot!” [And thus another night passes into day at The North Call Inn in Kelpore.]

Event name: Saikorodo Seaside Monthly Game Night, Vol. 6
[Dungeons & Dragons 5e (2014)]

Date & Time: Saturday, October 19, 2024, 17:00 - 22:00 JST

Venue: SAIKORODO Seaside(サイコロ堂シーサイド )at Depot Island in American Village (private booth)

Signups: (check event details to confirm venue play fee)

Type of Adventure: “The Haunted Vault of Pallon the Pious” is a pulpy, freewheeling, combat/exploration/social pillar-ready, 2nd level one shot adventure for D&D 5E with an “Old School” feel.

Number of Players/Player Experience: Ideally for up to the DM and up to 4 players of any level of experience, beginners/novices, and more experienced players who enjoy supporting others.

Setting/Tone: Set in The Seven Winds Sword & Sorcery gameworld, in a set in a cold, unforgiving, pirate-infested northern archipelago, with a grimdark seafaring theme. The tone can range from slapstick comedy to grimly tragic, and anywhere in-between.
Players will be constantly challenged through their PCs to exercise agency in situations of extreme exigency, and will face the outcomes (including rewards!) that flow naturally from these tough choices.

Pillars of the Game: Expect plenty of combat, exploration, and social-based encounters!

• This is a pulpy, freewheeling, combat-ready adventure focused on exhilaratingly deadly personal battles!

• Valiantly explore a vibrant Sword & Sorcery world of ancient ruins, weird wildernesses, and tenacious settlements!

• Dive headlong into compelling social dynamics with intriguing NPCs and Monsters, whose attitudes range from friendly to “want to have you for dinner”-level deadly!

PCs: Players will choose from a folder of pre-generated, adventure/setting-appropriate characters (of varying classes, personalities, and alignments) that will be provided pre-game (PDF), and on game day (printed).
After signups are complete, the DM will roll to see who picks first. Note that based on PCs chosen, PC vs PC may very well arise. (You've been warned!)
Link to folder of PCs (currently empty, character sheets will appear in this folder some time after signups are compete):

Rules: We will be using the 5E Basic Rules (2014) for this game.
Session 0/Safety Tools: “Rule 0” in effect. Basic Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything Social Contract in effect. Lines & Veils in effect. Content warning! This is an adult game for adult Players.

Stuff to Prepare:
- Always good to have a notebook and something to write with.
- Actual factual polyhedral dice to roll!
- If available, bring your 5E Player's Handbook for reference, when requested.

Random Question: Would you be willing to do a bit of light pirate cosplay in exchange for starting inspiration?
Also, if your rapscallionly PC had a (common) magical tattoo, what would it look like, where would it be? How about the general nature of its magical effect?

Bonus Prize: The person who gets voted “Player of the Game” at the end of the session gets to go home with a genuine Norse Foundry Pirate Metal Adventure Coin!

DM Info / Requests:
DM Raspberry Bulette website
Link for post-game DM reviews (humbly requested)




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